Homemade Irish Cream

I love me some whiskey, and for a special treat I REALLY love Baileys Irish Cream. But did you know that it’s super easy to make your own Baileys? Baileys Irish Cream really is a simple combination of cream, Irish Whiskey, and (as they say on their website) “other flavours”.

Those other flavors are hints of vanilla, coffee, chocolate, and almond. Yes, you read that right, ALMOND. Adding just a touch of almond extract takes this home recipe and makes it indistinguishable from the store bought version. 


Blender, measuring cups, and a large mason jar or glass jar for storage


  • 1 and ⅔c Jameson

  • 1c Half and Half (or Heavy Cream)

  • 14oz Sweetened Condensed Milk

  • 2 tbsp Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup 

  • ½tsp Instant Coffee Granules (or ½c coffee)

  • 1 tsp Almond Extract

I find that the half and half cream is more on par with the texture of Baileys but if you want something more rich and decadent, you can use cream!

Add the sweetened condensed milk and Jameson together in your blender and mix it together until it is combined. Next add your chocolate syrup (for the hint of chocolate and traditional Baileys color). Add in your instant coffee, almond extract, and half and half. Blend everything together (not too long) and enjoy! You can store it in the refrigerator for up to two months! 

Honestly, this tastes just like Baileys…practically identical. You could try so many variations with this recipe such as coconut, mint, or even more chocolate focused. You could also add this to a boozy milkshake, or even over vanilla ice cream as an affogato.


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